A heartbreaking incident occurred on Friday morning when a student from Atlantic Coast High School lost her life after being struck by a vehicle while crossing the road to reach her school bus stop. The accident took place on Old Kings Road South, near Habana Avenue, where the young pedestrian was hit by a southbound driver. Following the collision, the driver promptly assisted the girl and transported her to a nearby hospital before contacting law enforcement authorities.
The community has been deeply affected by this tragedy. Principal Michael George addressed parents in a somber message later that afternoon, expressing profound sorrow on behalf of the entire school. "Our hearts are heavy with grief during this challenging time," he wrote, emphasizing the availability of counseling services for students and staff who may be struggling to cope with the loss. The principal also highlighted the importance of supporting one another as they navigate through these difficult moments.
This tragic event underscores the critical need for enhanced safety measures around schools. District 7 School Board representative Melody Bolduc echoed similar sentiments, urging drivers to exercise heightened caution when encountering children near roads. Recognizing the vulnerability of young pedestrians, especially during early morning hours, Bolduc emphasized the necessity of collaborative efforts between the district and local government to improve overall pedestrian safety. In response, Duval Schools plans to initiate a comprehensive pedestrian and cyclist safety campaign aimed at protecting students as they travel to and from educational institutions.
In light of such incidents, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being of our youth. By fostering awareness and implementing effective safety protocols, we can create safer environments for all members of our community. This tragedy serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of vigilance and responsibility in ensuring the protection of future generations.